Thursday, September 10, 2020

Convert Your PDF Or Jpg Drawing To Editable Dwg Or Dxf File


I can convert any PDF, jpg or hand drawn sketch to an editable CAD drawing - dwg, dxf or other and will provide you the source file.

Please contact me before to buy the Gig. We will discuss your requirements and the amount of the work. The price may vary depending on the project.

What you have to provide me before to start:
- PDF, hand sketch, scanned old drawing or blueprint or any other images of the building



very prompt and responsive


quick easy and good


The seller was easy to work with and follows instructions well. I was hoping for a more accurate contour for my drawing but for the cost I can't complain. She nailed some important key points in my request so It's a good starting point. She also went back to improve on my request in a timely manner.


Kamelia has been truly devoted to helping me throughout our entire collaboration! She's a true master in converting doodles and hand-sketches into highly professional vector/CAD drawings! Will be getting back to her once I'm under high loads of work again!


fantastic work in every regard!!!

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